Gemini this can be an excellent time to involve those you trust

Gemini’s mind is so active but when they focus they are surprisingly effective.  Their conversation can be witty and at times humorous.  Conversations with Geminis can also  come off as being superficial about some important topics. Gemini this is an excellent time to let others that you trust pinpoint a few habitual patterns and themes that … Continue reading Gemini this can be an excellent time to involve those you trust

Taurus this can be an opportunity to look at your life situations

  What is great for Taurus is that energies around sudden changes and disruptions which can usually irritate some to no end is providing avenues for calmness and reflection. Taurus’ work very hard for situations in their life to run smoothly. During this time receptivity to different experiences can be received with little to no … Continue reading Taurus this can be an opportunity to look at your life situations